
Pure DExpander v3

Intensifying The Sound Energy

[ AU 32 & 64 bit | VST 32 & 64 bit | AAX Native/DSP/AudioSuite 32 & 64 bit* | Merging VS3 32 & 64 bit** ]


오디오 소스의 디익스팬션을 위해 설계된 이 플러그인은 레벨이 낮은 소리를 향상할 수 있는 도구를 제공합니다. Pure DExpander v3는 특정 트레숄드 아래의 모든 오디오를 줄이는 대신, 사운드 소스에 프로세싱된 사운드나 거친 느낌 없이 더욱 컴팩트하고 큰 신호를 만들어 냅니다.


Processing And Workflow

In addition to the more common dynamics processing controls (ratio, attack, release, etc), Pure DExpander v3 provide control over the essential dynamics profile it uses, all in order to offer the user full control over the processing even in the most demanding situations. 

Two parameters are provided that are kind of unique to dynamics processing; Dynamics Ratio and Level Independent Detection (L.I.D), using the dynamic range content of the signal and not just the signal levels as standard processors do.

Dynamics Ratio is controlling the amount of auto-ratio determined by the signal dynamics and the manual ratio setting. This literally opens the sound, increases the dynamic impression and keeps some crest by adjusting, in real time, the ratio of every dynamic processing section in regards to both the current ratio settings and the signal content (mainly dynamic range).

Level Independent Detection (L.I.D) controls the amount of auto-threshold determined by the signal dynamics and the manual threshold value, providing processing of the audio signal independently of the sound level and instead in regards to the signal dynamic range. A Maximum mode can be engaged on the L.I.D control, allowing for processing that accounts for the maximum values of both the standard and the L.I.D detection schemes.

Pure DExpander v3 is available in both 32 and 64 bits, sample rates up to 384 KHz are supported and processing of up to 8 channels for surround/multichannel work is provided.

When operating on a multi-channel bus all channels are processed by default, but the processing can be disengaged for any number of channels leaving the material unprocessed and bypassing the original sound. By doing this in combination with serial instances the material on any number of channels can be processed with individual settings.

*Pure DExpander v3 AAX Native/DSP & AAX AudioSuite supports 32 bit in Pro Tools 10.3.5 and 64 bit in Pro Tools 11.

**VS3 32/64 bit versions for Pyramix 9 & Ovation Native/MassCore available only through Merging Technologies


For the full feature set, hover your mouse over the small images to the right above.


Signal Processing Features

  • Input/Output gain controls for adjusting the levels before and after processing.
  • Phase invert of the processed signal.
  • Dry Mix control (Dry/Wet with gain compensation) allowing for parallel processing or for blending some of the original “peak” into the processed signal.
  • Clipper, a discrete peak limiter at the very last stage of the processing chain rounding off the peaks smooth and musically.
  • Bypass routes the incoming signal direct to the output for a true smooth transition between processed and clean signal.


Preset and Parameter Handling

Preset/Parameter slots

To enhance the workflow the two Preset/Parameter slots, A and B, can be loaded with two full set of parameters at the same time. Apart from saving each preset, a “Global Preset” containing both the A and B settings, and the position of the “Morphing Slider”, can be saved.



Pure DExpander v3 is available in:

  • AU / VST / AAX Native / AAX DSP / AAX AudioSuite

  • Merging VS3 MassCore/Native**


Processing Specifications

Pure DExpander v3, as all Flux:: plug-ins, provide

  • Up to 8 channels Input/Output.
  • 64-bits internal floating point processing.
  • Sampling rate up to 384 kHz DXD (Pyramix & Ovation MassCore/Native)**
  • Sampling rate up to 384 kHz for Native (AU/VST/AAX/AAX AudioSuite).



All major native formats as well as AVID AAX DSP are supported

  • Windows – XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 8,1 all in both 32 and 64 bits*.
    • VST (2.4)
    • AAX Native/DSP*
    • AAX AudioSuite*
    • Merging VS3 (Only in Windows 7 32/64 bits)**
  • Mac OS X (Intel) – 10.7, 10.8 and 10.9 in both 32 and 64 bits*.
    • VST (2.4)
    • AU
    • AAX Native/DSP*
    • AAX AudioSuite*

* Pure DExpander v3 AAX Native/DSP & AAX AudioSuite supports 32 bit in Pro Tools 10.3.5 and 64 bit in Pro Tools 11.

**VS3 32/64 bit versions for Pyramix 9 & Ovation Native/MassCore available only through Merging Technologies

Due to AVID ProTools changing to AAX, from Version 3 (v3) RTAS for AVID ProTools is no longer supported.

Software Licence Requirements

In order to use the software one of the following alternatives is required

  • An iLok.com user account (the iLok USB Smart Key is not required).
  • A Flux:: USB Dongle (Available in our online store).

Pure DExpander v3 AAX DSP Specifications

AAX DSP Number of Pure DExpander v3 instances per dsp.

44.1 – 48 khz (1 FS)

88.2 – 96 khz (2 FS)

176.4 – 192 khz (4 FS)

1 Channel


2 Channels


3 Channels


4 Channels


5 Channels


6 Channels


7 Channels


8 Channels



Pure DExpander V3

₩ 97,000

970P 적립

Gearlounge's Advice

본 제품은 ESD(전자 배송) 상품입니다.

본 제품은 실물 배송이 아닌 전자 배송 상품입니다. 주문 및 결제를 완료하시면, 입력하신 이메일 주소로 시리얼 넘버가 배송됩니다. 무통장 입금으로 결제가 불가능하며, 배송 여부와 관계 없이 주문 후 취소나 변경은 불가능합니다.

배송 소요시간

  • 실시간 전자배송 : 주문 후 즉시
  • (일반) 전자배송 : 영업일 기준 2시간~24시간. 단, 제조사 사정에 의해 지연될 수 있음.


제품 인증 방법 안내 

  • Flux USB Dongle 인증시, Flux 홈페이지 (http://www.fluxhome.com/)에서 별도로 구매.
  • iLok 인증시 www.ilok.com의 ID가 필요합니다.