

Adaptive Tonal Contour Linearization

UNFILTER is a real-time plug-in that removes filtering effects, such as comb filtering, resonance, or excessive equalization – effectively linearizing the frequency response of a signal automatically. UNFILTER can also apply a detected filter response to another signal, or export it to disk as an impulse response, and can even perform mastering grade adaptive, free-form, and graphic equalization. Whether you're in music production, film post, game audio, broadcast, sound design, forensics, or engineering – UNFILTER makes time-consuming and often impossible tasks as effortless as adjusting one control.


  • Automatically detect and remove resonances, equalization, roll-offs and the effects of comb filtering from musical,  location, dialog and surveillance recordings.
  • Apply the measured filter response to other signals to place them in the same "acoustic world".
  • Export the measured filter response to or import it from a linear- or minimum-phase impulse response file (WAV).
  • Mastering grade adaptive, free-form and graphic equalization.
  • Extremely steep 96dB/octave shelving high-pass filter.
  • Output limiter for unsupervised use in batch processing applications.
  • Highly time-efficient workflow and UI

Set It Straight

UNFILTER automatically detects resonances, EQ or filter effects – essentially any frequency response anomalies that aren't part of the original signal. You can then remove these by simply adjusting one control, leaving the rest of the signal virtually untouched. As a result, previously problematic or unusable recordings can be made to sound good, and good recordings to sound great. In real-time, and with minimal effort, Zynaptiq-style.

Make It So

You can also apply the measured filter response from one recording to another – placing the two in the same acoustic "world". Or you can create room-tone to fill editing gaps, by applying a measured filter response to noise. You can of course also store filter responses to disk as linear- or minimum-phase impulse response files, building a library of "colors" to have at your disposal any time. Whether you need to make ADR blend with production dialog, get one guitar snippet to sound like part of another, or create new sounds, UNFILTER makes this task fast and easy.

More Equal

UNFILTER is also an EQ. Three mastering grade EQs and an excellent high-pass filter, actually. For one, its (un-)filtering engine can function as an adaptive program equalizer that continuously adjusts itself while the audio is playing. This helps maintain a balanced spectrum when working with audio that changes over time, for example when streaming mixed music in broadcast applications. Secondly, UNFILTER sports a free-form EQ with various curve interpolation modes, from super-gentle slopes, through narrow notches, to brickwall steps. Thirdly, we added a streamlined 7-band graphic EQ for good measure. And finally, there’s a super-steep 96dB per octave shelving high-pass filter that removes low frequency rumble so efficiently you’ll forget that there was ever anything down there.

Rocket Science

How does UNFILTER do all that? Technically, it performs a real-time blind de-convolution, a cutting-edge technology rarely found even in the most advanced of research institutes. Fortunately, we don't do lab coats.This technology allows UNFILTER to take a close look at your audio, estimate what happened to its frequency response, and then create a filter that will undo the process. Sounds like rocket science? That's because it is. But all the technology in the world doesn't matter if it's difficult to operate or doesn't sound good. Well, UNFILTER is a breeze to use, and doesn't just sound good...it sounds amazing.


The UNFILTER UI is so fast and easy to use that corrective EQ can often be done within seconds by adjusting just one of our super-slick trackball sliders. And for advanced customization, every single function and control has been engineered with painstaking attention to detail – finely-tuned for optimal workflow and results. Whichever control you move, the right setting is never far away. UNFILTER is not only a life-saver, it is also a time-saver par excellance. But don't take our word for it, experience it for yourself using the free trial version!



  • Apple AudioUnits (32/64bit)
  • Avid RTAS
  • Avid AAX Native including AudioSuite (32/64bit)
  • Steinberg VST 2.4 (32/64bit)
  • Steinberg VST 3 (32/64bit)


  • Avid RTAS
  • Avid AAX Native including AudioSuite (32/64bit)
  • Steinberg VST 2.4 (32/64bit)
  • Steinberg VST 3 (32/64bit)

System Requirements Mac

  • Apple Mac computer
  • OSX 10.8.x or newer
  • Intel CPU with at least 2 Cores; i7 or better recommended.
  • Apple AU (AudioUnits), Steinberg VST 2.4, VST 3 or Avid RTAS/AAX compatible Host software, processing audio as 32 bit float
  • For AAX Native 32-bit, the minimum required Pro Tools version is 10.3.6
  • iLok.com account for machine- or iLok 2 based activation (of full as well as demo versions)
  • Internet Connection for Software Activation (though not necessarily on the computer used for audio)

System Requirements Windows

  • Windows 7 or newer
  • CPU with at least 2 Cores; Intel CPU recommended, i7 or better recommended.
  • Steinberg VST 2.4, VST 3 or Avid RTAS/AAX compatible Host software, processing audio as 32 bit float
  • For AAX Native 32-bit, the minimum required Pro Tools version is 10.3.6
  • iLok.com account for machine- or iLok 2 based activation (of full as well as demo versions)
  • Internet Connection for Software Activation (though not necessarily on the computer used for audio)



₩ 364,000

3,640P 적립

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